We all have a responsibility to support our schools.

UnifiEd empowers students, families, teachers, and community members to get involved in public education—to be informed about education policy, take action, and support community leaders who make education a priority. We unite communities to work together to identify issues impacting schools and advocate for lasting change.

We evaluate and communicate the effects of public education policy. We analyze applicable state education policy and the local district’s implementation of identified policies. We identify topics of focus impacting public education within local districts, and create and disseminate information to local communities.

Analyze & Communicate

We identify public education supporters and educate them on relevant legislation. We are establishing supporters in each of Hamilton County's eleven County Commission districts utilizing various campaigns, and educating them about the direct impact of current/proposed education policy.

Identify & Educate

We organize and mobilize public education supporters within their communities. We provide opportunities for supporters to become engaged in the public education system. We are facilitating the growth of various voice teams, consisting of student, family, educators and community members of each of Hamilton County’s eleven districts, providing tools necessary for team members to deepen their impact in public education.

Activate & Create Teams

We prepare pro-public education leaders who support UnifiEd’s mission. We develop leaders within our communities and equip them with the skills necessary to affect change within the public education system. Be it learning how to canvass, speaking to legislators, or hosting a community roundtable, our supporters gain experience essential to impacting school policy.

Cultivate Champions